ARC Interview with Amber Wadey

Amber is brand new to ARC. She ran a little bit in her mid-20’s but was struggling to get through 2 miles when she signed up for the Marathon Relay with a bunch of friends in 2014. They were raising money for LIVESTRONG and one of the fundraising incentives that year was an entry into the […]

2016 Board of Directors Elections

It’s that time of the year again–for ARC Members to weigh in on who they’d like to represent them on the Board of Directors. Read below for brief candidate bios, and start thinking about who you’d like to see on next year’s board. (You can descriptions of each Board Member role here.) A few quick […]

2015-2016 Distance Challenge Recap

How far did I just run? Who is running with me? How much pizza have I earned? These are questions that every runner struggles with from time to time. To help you along, we’ve put together this infographic about what our Distance Challenge participants have accomplished this season. Thanks to all our awesome participants for […]

Top 10 Reasons to Run Decker

December 6th is the 37th annual Decker Challenge Half Marathon. Here are ten good reasons to sign up and get running! Dare the Distance: Decker is the third of six races of the Austin Distance Challenge. Net proceeds of the Distance Challenge will benefit The Trail Foundation. Parking: Who has time to worry about parking […]

2015 Board of Directors Elections

Time for elections at Austin Runners Club! We’ve taken the election process online this year in order to reach more members. Below you can read candidate bios, then head over to our election survey to cast your vote. Winners will be announced at our annual spring party, as well as on our website and social […]

Track Etiquette

Track- love it or hate it, it’s where race day success begins. Whether you’re running sprints, fartleks, or Yassos, your workout will be much more enjoyable if you and your fellow runners use some basic etiquette. This is especially true when the oval is crowded and paces vary greatly among everyone. So, let’s take a […]

Back on My Feet Austin- A Non-Profit Giving Hope on The Run

Austin is a city that thrives on collaboration, which in turn fuels its innovative spirit. As a non-profit, Austin Runners Club is honored to partner with several other organizations and businesses in our community to work toward our mission. Throughout the next few months we’ll be highlighting other great organizations that strive to promote fitness […]

Distance Challenge Training

Austin is a great city for many reasons- a plethora of parks and outdoor activities, live music on every corner, tacos, and an incredible running community. Our city loves running so much that you can practically count on being able to run some kind of race on any given weekend throughout the year. What makes Austin unique […]

Top 5 Running Routes in Austin

Austin runners are lucky to live in a city known for it’s wonderful trails and urban beauty. Your ARC Board Members have assembled a list of their favorite running routes around town in case you need a change of scenery or are looking for a new challenge.