Updated ARC Group Running COVID-19 Recommendations

We are seeing great progress locally in beating back COVID-19, and we’ll continue to reference local and federal guidance to make sure we’re adhering to the latest standards. The CDC has recently updated their guidance for fully vaccinated people. What does this mean for ARC group runs? Based on this new guidance, we decided to […]

ARC Group Running Recommendations Amid COVID-19 Pandemic

The primary transmission method for the COVID-19 virus is now understood to be aerosoltransmission via static exposure from an infected individual for more than 10-15minutes. ​The ​transmission risk is highest in static, indoor, poorly-ventilatedenvironments (whether or not social distancing is followed). This research also suggests that the risk of transmission is very low in a […]

Bylaws – Proposed Changes

The 2019-2020 Board of Directors took a look at the ARC Bylaws and decided it was time for an update. Check out all of the amendments and addendums in this document, and email secretary@austinrunners.org with any comments/questions/suggestions.

Melissa & Sonja: 3M Half Marathon

Put it on a Post It! 3M Half Marathon is done! Written by: Sam Jimenez Melissa was excited for the half marathon, because it meant earning the fourth piece of the puzzle and eating more breakfast tacos. Sonja was looking forward to Melissa and Bonnie improving their times and showing the progress that they made […]


In this blog series, we’ll get to know some of our new and veteran Distance Challenge (DC) participants. If you have a story you’d like to share, let us know! Interviews by DC Coordinator, Hannah Kanne dc@austinrunners.org. I started running a few years ago. I was in the middle of a weight loss journey (55lbs!) and […]

Get to know the Distance Challenge: First Time Participant, Kevin Boyd

In this blog series, we’ll get to know some of our new and veteran Distance Challenge (DC) participants. If you have a story you’d like to share, let us know! Interviews by DC Coordinator, Hannah Kanne dc@austinrunners.org.   After years of perfecting my couch potato body, I decided enough was enough. Five years ago I […]


Last month several members of the ARC board joined the #SportsBraSquadATX for their global running day and felt so inspired that Amber Wadey caught up with Jessie Barnes to learn more about this movement.    Tell us a little bit about yourself. When did you start running and what are your running goals? I started […]

2017 Board of Directors Elections

It’s that time of the year again–for ARC Members to weigh in on who they’d like to represent them on the Board of Directors. Read below for brief candidate bios, and start thinking about who you’d like to see on next year’s board. (You can descriptions of each Board Member role here.) A few quick […]

Top 10 Reasons to Run Decker

December 6th is the 37th annual Decker Challenge Half Marathon. Here are ten good reasons to sign up and get running! Dare the Distance: Decker is the third of six races of the Austin Distance Challenge. Net proceeds of the Distance Challenge will benefit The Trail Foundation. Parking: Who has time to worry about parking […]